
LIMAジャパン定期理事会が、6月30日午後6時30分より、ホテルグランパシフィックにおいて開催され、その席上において、キャラクター&ブランドライセンス展に合わせて来日した、LIMA(国際ライセンシング産業マーチャンダイザーズ協会)プレジデントのチャールズ・リオットより、前LIMAジャパン代表理事 今泉幸子様(株式会社アンドフィーカ 代表取締役)、および前理事の加藤勉様(株式会社イングラム 代表取締役)様、同じく前理事の清田美佐子様(日本コカ・コーラ株式会社 グローバルライセンシングマネージャー)へ感謝状が贈呈されました。6月20日にラスベガスで開催されましたLIMA年次総会で贈呈される予定でしたが、今泉様が欠席となったため、本席上で行うことになったものです。
(左より:株式会社イングラム 加藤様、LIMAプレジデント チャールズ・リオット、株式会社アンドフィーカ 今泉様、日本コカ・コーラ株式会社 清田様)
LIMA International Presents Retiring LIMA Japan Representative Director and Board Members With Certificates of Appreciation.
30th June 2016, Tokyo:
Charles Riotto, LIMA International President, visiting Japan for the Licensing Japan trade show, attended a LIMA Japan Director’s Meeting on 30th June, to personally present certificates of appreciation to retiring Japan directors. The certificates were given to ex-LIMA Japan Representative Director, Sachiko Imaizumi (President, Andfika), and ex-directors, Ben Kato (President, Ingram) and Misako “Missy” Kiyota (Global Licensing Manager, Coca-Cola (Japan)) at the meeting, held at the Grand Pacific Le Daiba Hotel.
Certificates of appreciation are traditionally bestowed upon retiring members of LIMA International’s Board of Directors who have served their terms or specially-recognised LIMA members who have made major contributions to the organisation’s activities. This is the first time since the incorporation of LIMA Japan into a formal organisation that certificates have been presented to Japan-based ex-directors. The presentations were made in special appreciation for their individual contributions as Japan directors covering two terms over a total of four years.
Sachiko Imaizumi worked as LIMA Japan’s Representative Director from 2012 for four years. Imaizumi, as head of the organisation, made the final decision on LIMA Japan’s proposed activities and events, attended various other associations’ events giving speeches on LIMA Japan’s behalf and acted as spokesperson for media interviews. She made many contributions towards licensing educational programs, including working as a lecturer for licensing fundamentals courses and promoting training programs to develop licensing industry talent.
Ben Kato has been involved in LIMA Japan for the past five years, beginning as an active member of the preparation committee one year prior to incorporation. Thereafter, he regularly participated in monthly committee and director’s meetings, offering his many years of licensing business experience and wisdom. Kato contributed his knowledge in making key decisions for the development and growth of LIMA Japan. His efforts to support the Board of Directors and the LIMA Japan Secretariat were also recognised.
Misako “Missy” Kiyota, as a director for four years and who consistently attended board meetings, contributed her specialist expertise in the area of international marketing and branding. She was a main speaker for LIMA Japan’s first anniversary event and has lectured on behalf of LIMA at the Tokyo University of Science Master of Intellectual Property Post-Graduate Program as well as other organisations’ events. Kiyota was active in lecturing on corporate licensing and instrumental in helping to expand understanding of the licensing business to non-licensing industry sectors. At the same time, she helped promote LIMA as an organisation.
LIMA Japan extends its deepest appreciation to Imaizumi, Kato and Kiyota.
Photo caption: Charles Riotto, LIMA President together with Ben Kato, Sachiko Imaizumi and Misako Kiyota (left to right: Kato, Riotto, Imaizumi, Kiyota)