
English is here.

LIMAジャパンが、特別後援する「ライセンシングエキスポジャパン」が、2018年4月25日(水)から4月27日(金)まで東京ビッグサイトで開催されます。開催2日目には、「ライセンシングエキスポジャパン ネットワーキングパーティ」を開催いたします。出展者と、LIMA会員、ご招待者様のみのパーティとなります。

開 催 概 要

日 時 2018年4月26日(木)18:00(17:30 受付開始)
会 場 ライセンシングエキスポジャパン展示会場内 セミナー会場 (東京ビッグサイト西棟 1階)
主催   UBMジャパン
協力 LIMAジャパン
締め切り 定員に達し次第受付を終了します。
参加費 無料
(1)出展者の方:UBM 営業担当者より、規定の枚数のチケットをお受け取りください。

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Licensing Expo Japan Networking Party

Visitors to Licensing Expo Japan are welcome to join the Licensing Expo Japan Networking Party, taking place on Thursday April 26 from 6.00-7.30 p.m. at the Licensing Business Seminar area in the West Hall of Tokyo Big Sight. This event, exclusively for exhibitors, LIMA members and guests, is the ideal end-of-day opportunity to network with industry colleagues in a relaxing atmosphere.

The Licensing Expo Japan Networking Party is organized by UBM Japan and supported by LIMA Japan. Admission is free.

Event Details

Title  Licensing Expo Japan Networking Party
Date & Time Thursday 26th April 2018 from 6.00 p.m to 7.30 p.m. (tentative)
Venue  Licensing Business Seminar Venue @ Licensing Expo Japan, West Exhibition Hall, Tokyo Big Sight Exhibition Centre
Fee Free!
Registration Deadline  Registration will close once venue capacity is reached. We thank you for your understanding.

To Register
1) Exhibitors: your UBM sales representative will provide you with a fixed number of entry tickets.
2) LIMA Members (excluding exhibiting LIMA members): please complete the following online entry form. You will receive an automatic confirmation email. To obtain your party entry ticket, please come to the LIMA Japan booth before 6 p.m. on Thursday 26th April and show your confirmation email. You will also need to pre-register for general admittance to Licensing Expo Japan to enter the show hall.Show registration: http://www.licensingexpojapan.com/en/ We look forward to seeing you Tokyo!

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