【6月17日開催】 「トイザらス上陸後の日本のトイマーケット」他【リテイルマーケティングWG例会】

2016年度第2回 リテイルワーキンググループの例会の日程が決定しましたのでご案内します。
第1部では最近は余りメディアでは採り上げられなくなりましたが、日本においては変りなくマーケットシェア№1の座にある「日本トイザらス」を軸に、この四半世紀の間のトイマーケットの変貌振りと将来の方向性について、葉佐商品研究所 葉佐弘明様よりお話しいただきます。
日時 6月17日(金)13:00-16:00 (受付開始12:40)
会場 東京理科大学 森戸記念館 住所 新宿区神楽坂4-2-2 MAP
13:00 第1部 「トイザらス上陸後の日本のトイマーケット」
14:40 第2部 「店づくり新時代」
16:00 終了
スピーカー:葉佐商品研究所 葉佐 弘明 様
協力:葉佐商品研究所 東京理科大学専門職大学院MIP
参加費:無料 *残席が出る場合は、LIMAご入会検討中の方もご参加いただけますのでお問い合わせください。
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17th June LIMA Japan Retail Marketing Working Group Meeting:
~~~ Changes in Japan’s Toy Market Following the Arrival of Toys “R” Us ~~~
LIMA Japan’s Retail Marketing Working Group will have its second regular meeting of 2016 on 17th June, once again in conjunction with retail consulting firm, Hasa Co., Ltd. The purpose of the working group is to disseminate and share information and research on retailing in Japan and overseas markets, and to strengthen exchange opportunities between group participants.
The session will kick off with Hiroaki Hasa, president of Hasa Co., Ltd., talking about Toys “R” Us and how it has maintained its top market share in Japan and transformed the Japanese toy industry landscape. He will also share his thoughts for the future direction of the company.
Citing comparisons with overseas retail shops, Hasa will then present his views on “The New Era of Store Development” touching upon new directions that toy and fashion variety stores are taking and their latest product mix strategies.
The event is in Japanese-language only.
Event Information
Date & Time: Friday 17th June from 13.00 to 15.00 (Doors open: 12.40 p.m.)
Venue: Morito Memorial Hall, Tokyo University of Science, 4-2-2 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Program: 13.00 First Session: “Changes in Japan’s Toy Market Following the Arrival of Toys “R” Us”
14.00 Second Session: “The New Era of Store Development”
16.00: End
Speaker: Mr. Hiroaki Hasa, President, Hasa Co., Ltd.
Organiser: LIMA Japan Retail Marketing Working Group
With the cooperation of: Hasa Co., Ltd., Department of Master of Intellectual Property Program (MIP), Tokyo University of Science’s Graduate School of Innovation Studies.
Seminar Open To: LIMA members, Hasa Co., Ltd. Group 83 Member Company staff, Tokyo University of Science MIP staff and students.
Participation Fee: Free. If there are any seats available, companies considering joining LIMA Japan may take part. Contact LIMA Japan for more details.