
ライセンシングインターナショナルでは、ライセンシングインターナショナル ボードオブディレクター(役員)を募集します。私たちの目標の 1 つは、私たちのメンバーとより広範なライセンシング コミュニティが、多様で包括的な業界を構築することを支援することであり、その実現のためにも、このボードオブディレクターもそうであるべきと考えています。 私たちは、人種、宗教、身体的属性、性的指向、および性自認において多様な役員を積極的に求めています。








・現役の現役ライセンシングインターナショナル会員であり、ライセンシング業界に少なくとも 5 年以上関与していること。
・過去 3 年間に少なくとも 1 回、ライセンシングインターナショナルの活動に参加したことがある (例: 委員会の委員を務めたり、ライセンシングインターナショナルが制作したイベントのスピーカー/パネリストとして参加したことがある)。

応募するには、あなたの資格、興味のある分野、そしてボードオブディレクターとして組織や業界全体に貢献できると思うことを詳しく書いたメールを info@licensing.org まで送ってください。


We’re looking for diverse new voices to fill several openings on the Licensing International Board of Directors.  One of our goals continues to be to help our members and the broader licensing community build a diverse and inclusive workplace and that intention starts right here with our own board – it’s important that our Board reflect the world around us.  We are actively seeking a board diverse in race, religion, physical attributes, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

Are you passionate about brands and consumer products? Would you like to share your skills and expertise with a group of other leading licensing professionals who are shaping the industry for future generations? Will your background and experience offer a unique perspective to the work of Licensing International? Then please consider applying for a position on the Board.

Board Members have an opportunity to:

  • Engage with other industry thought leaders who want to make a difference
  • Help drive the decision making that affects the overall industry
  • Have a stronger voice and increased visibility in the licensing industry
  • Give back to the community while growing your professional network

In particular this year we are looking for individuals with the following experience:

  • Fundraising / sponsorship skills including time, desire and industry connections
  • Extensive top management / retail experience
  • Extensive top management / human resources experience
  • Extensive licensing industry public relations and marketing experience

If you wish to be considered for nomination, or know someone who would make an excellent candidate for a Board position, we encourage you to submit an application.  To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be a current, active Licensing International member and been involved in the licensing industry for at least five years
  • Have participated in at least one Licensing International activity during the past three years (for example, serving on a Committee or as a speaker/panelist at a Licensing International-produced event) 

To apply, send an email to me at info@licensing.org detailing your qualifications, areas of interest, and what you feel you can contribute to the organization and the larger industry as a Board Member.

Applications must be received by March 19, 2021.


